============================== SRPQ: Super Rush Party Quest ============================== @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ Authored by FisHGaL28 a.k.a @ @ HammyGal28 @ @ Aquila Server of MapleSEA @ @ @ @ Created on the 22nd of July, 2008 @ @ @ @ In an effort to promote efficient @ @ SRPQ parties. @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ************ Version Info ************ v1.2 - Revision #2 (11th of May, 2009) Updates Include: -Minor error fixes. -Update of "alternate" personal character(s). v1.1 - Revision #1 (24th of July, 2008) Updates Include: -Addition of Disc Genres -Addition of 2 Etiquettes -Exp for FPQ completers -Modification of Contents Section v1.0 - Creation of this guide (22nd of July, 2008) ************ Contents ************ <1> Introduction to SRPQ <2> Requirements of SRPQ <3> General Etiquette <4> Step 1a: Member recruiting (For Leaders) Step 1b: Finding a party (For non-Leaders) <5> Step 2a: Hunting Clouds and the Smuggle Step 2b: The Split Effort <6> Step 3a: Hunting Statue Pieces Step 3b: Completing Storage <7> Step 4: Lobby <8> Step 5: Smuggle <9> Step 6: The cycle <10> Credits <11> Usage Rights, Side Notes, and Contact Information ---------------------------------- Chapter 1: Introduction to SRPQ SRPQ, as written in the title of this guide, represents Super Rush Party Quest. It is my pleasure to share my knowledge that will enable you to be a genuine SRPQ Party. SRPQ is pretty much an Orbis Party Quest, with certain omitted stages, while repeating the chosen stages over and over again, at a speed that is faster than a full Orbis PQ. Apparently, if you were to complete the full Orbis PQ, the experience points that you would get from repeating Orbis PQ, will be reduced a significant amount PERMANENTLY. As such, many has turned to doing an RPQ(Rush Party Quest), or an SRPQ. Because, then, your experience points received will not be reduced. Anyways, since SRPQ is based on Orbis PQ, get down to Orbis, The Unknown Tower and start off SRPQ-ing! And I won't be teaching how to smuggle. Don't want to get into trouble. ;) ---------------------------------- Chapter 2: Requirements of SRPQ I intend this to be a checklist, for faster reading. MINIMUM Requirements: [1] Magician with L11 Teleport [2] Thief with L11 Haste [3] A Leader [4] 2 Smugglers [5] A total of 6 members of Level 51 to 70, including leader RECOMMENDED Requirements: [1] Magician with max Teleport [2] 2 Thieves with max Haste [3] A leader that knows what he/she is doing, and knows how to assign people to tasks [4] 2 fast smugglers [5] A total of 6 co-operative members of Level 51 to 70, including leader ---------------------------------- Chapter 3: General Etiquette #1 Mind your manners in a party quest. If anyone gets angry or upset in a party quest, it will significantly reduce your entire party quest speed and performance. And if you're going to be the fierce one there, be prepared to have many to hate you. You won't want that. #2 When you have finished collecting 20 clouds, say "CD" in party chat, which means cloud done. Don't just say "D", because we don't know what has been completed. #3 When you have hit a box with the correct disc color of the day, in lobby, say "LD", which means "Lobby Done". Don't just say "D", because we don't know what has been done. #4 Be patient with people who don't know what to do. They just simply don't know and screaming your heads off won't help things either. Teach them what they need to know, and encourage a positive party environment. You'll be surprised how efficient your party will become. #5 Be patient even with leaders who seem to be new to leading. Everyone needs time to learn. Teach them, what they need to know. #6 Be patient with forgetful people. E.g. Forgot to pass pcs, forgot to pass clouds, etc.. As outlined in Etiquette #1, upset or angry people will hinder a party's performance. #7 Be patient with people's mistakes. No matter how slow, people are always able to learn. Tell them, respectfully, what they have done wrong and what is correct. SRPQ isn't that hard and I believe it won't take too long for them to learn. #8 Everyone likes to be encouraged. Praise anything good. It will brighten someone's day and possibly increase their individual performance. #9 Don't pick up the clouds or Statue Pieces while smugglers are smuggling at the exit! It annoys everyone and slows down the PQ. It might also get you kicked out! #10 During lobby, to be efficient, if someone else is trying to climb up to the same "station" as yours, give way, and go for another one. This not only creates a friendly environment, but also speeds things up! #11 In summary, if you're unkind with your members(or fellow members), they might just all leave in frustration. That delays YOU and your leveling-up. It is obvious everyone else, including yourself, would want a smooth SRPQ. So do put in effort to make one. Good parties don't just happen, it is always the result of someone's effort, and subsequently, everyone's effort. ---------------------------------- Chapter 4: Step 1a ******* Member Recruiting (For Leaders) This is very simple, and does not require a long paragraph. Get to Channel 1, and look for those saying L> RPQ, L> SRPQ .. etc. I propose recruiting the ones looking for "RPQ" as well simply because SRPQ is faster, and with similar advantages from RPQ, they won't have their experience points permanently reduced from Orbis PQ. Recruit them, 99% of them won't complain. But if they do, just apologize and move on. Recruit what you need, as mentioned in Chapter 2, and move on to look for a free channel. Attempt to go in(change channel if it is full), together with your party members, by clicking on Wonky The Fairy and clicking on "Apply for Entrance". Step 1b ******* Finding a party (For Members) Simple and classic. Go to Channel 1 and shout out L> SRPQ. Don't join those RPQ ones. This guide is for SRPQ and not RPQ. It is different. Once recruited, be sure to open your party window and follow the leader wherever he or she goes to. E.g. change channel..etc. ---------------------------------- Chapter 5: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ Bonus Section @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ For a highly efficient team, I suggest you, as a leader, to assign tasks to @ @ your members. It is prefered that you use the time you have in the "cloud @ @ stage" to discuss with your members what they are good at and what they @ @ aren't okay with. Get people better in lobby to do lobby. And the same for @ @ clouds, get those who do clouds better to do clouds. @ @ @ @ In total, assign: @ @ @ @ 1. A leaver ( the person to leave the party so that the entire party can @ @ exit the PQ quickily ) @ @ @ @ 2. 3 clouders, and assign 1 as cloud-in-charge ( people to hit the clouds, @ @ in reference to Step 2b ) The cloud-in-charge will be responsible for @ @ collecting the clouds and giving it to the smuggler. The cloud-in-charge @ @ will also be responsible for assigning his/her 2 other clouders to @ @ different "cloud lanes", mainly "left, center, and right". This ensures @ @ that the cloud stage is done quickily and efficiently. @ @ @ @ 3. 3 Lobbyists, including yourself, and including a mage ( to hit boxes for @ @ disks for lobby stage ) @ @ @ @ 4. If you have used the "Recommended Requirements" as stated above, assign @ @ 1 thief for the Cloud Team and another thief for the Lobby Team. This is @ @ to ensure if haste runs out, everyone can still have haste from the @ @ thief in their team. But this is not really necessary, because an @ @ efficient SRPQ Team usually completes a round of SRPQ in less than @ @ 3 minutes. @ @ @ @ 5. If you have used the "Minimum Requirements" as stated above, assign @ @ 1 thief to do lobby. But get him/her to haste everybody before the @ @ party splits into their respective teams. This can either be at the @ @ bottom of the cloud map, or at the top of the cloud map, when it @ @ is "cleared". @ @ @ @ 6. A Cloud Smuggler and a "PCS" Smuggler. "PCS" is a short word used in @ @ MapleSEA for "Statue of Goddess: 2nd piece". @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Step 2a ******* Hunting Clouds and the Smuggle (For parties who doesn't have the clouds) Hunt 20 clouds. Use haste. Give the 20 clouds to the smuggler. Everyone exits through the fat leaf guy at the bottom of the cloud map. Cloud Smuggler resmuggles the clouds. Step 2b ******* The Split Effort (For parties who have the clouds) **IF PCS SMUGGLER HAS "PCS" HERE, THIS IS THE TIME YOU GIVE THE "PCS" TO THE LEADER. Leader clears the Cloud Stage once, using the smuggled cloud pieces. Cloud Team hunts 20 clouds. Use haste. Give 20 clouds to smuggler(if smuggler is in cloud team). Otherwise, give the clouds to the smuggler at the exit of the PQ. Cloud-in-charge will assign lanes to each clouder. Once 20 clouds is received by cloud-in-charge, he/she will say "CD" in PARTY chat. The Lobby Team goes into the "castle" with leader. More on this part in the next Chapter. ---------------------------------- Chapter 6: Step 3a ******* Hunting Statue Pieces (For parties without "PCS"/Statue Piece) Lobby team goes in with leader to Storage. Kill the Cellions as they spawn. One cellion will drop the "PCS". Pass the "PCS" to leader and leader will click on the NPC inside to clear the stage. Proceed to Lobby. Step 3b ******* Completing Storage (For parties with "PCS") Lobby team waits outside lobby. Leader goes in to storage to clear the storage stage. Proceed to Lobby. ---------------------------------- Chapter 7: Lobby (Step 4) **IF PCS SMUGGLER IS IN LOBBY TEAM. THIS IS THE STAGE WHERE THE LEADER SHOULD RETURN THE PCS TO THE PCS SMUGGLER. OTHERWISE, LEADER WILL PASS THE PCS TO THE PCS SMUGGLER AT PQ EXIT. In this stage, there are 7 "stations"(that's what I call them) above. Objective of this stage is to climb up to the stations above, and hit the boxes till you find a disc with the color of the day. Color of the day as follows: Sunday : Red(Operative Music) Monday : Orange(Cute Music) Tuesday : Yellow(Scary Music) Wednesday : Purple(Fun Music) Thursday : Dark Blue(Sad Music) Friday : Cyan/Light Blue(Cold Music) Saturday : Green(Tight Music) The 3 boxes on the most right are most easily attempted by a magician using teleport. The 3rd box starting from the left is also easily attempted by a magician using teleport. Once found, immediately say "LD" so that people will not need to continue climbing and then, toss it under the music player at the center of the map. When the music changes, leader will click on the cloud at the right side of the map to clear the stage. Leaver will now check if Cloud Team has said "CD". If so, leaver leaves. As a general guideline, wait for one 6000 exp, TWO 7500 exps, and someone to say "CD" before leaving. You won't go wrong like that, unless the party leader has other instructions. NOTE: For those who completed Full PQ, instead of 6000exp and 7500exp, you will receive 4200exp and 5250exp instead. ---------------------------------- Chapter 8: Smuggle (Step 5) One everyone exits, the smugglers, by now SHOULD have the clouds/pcs. Smugglers will smuggle them out, and the rest leaves, back to Orbis, The Unknown Tower. If the smuggler misses his/her pcs/clouds, he/she should inform the leader immediately. Leader will then go in, and leaver will exit immediately. Then, resmuggle. ---------------------------------- Chapter 9: The Cycle (Step 6) Since the party, by now, has both pcs and clouds, they will then do everything in this procedure: Leader clears Cloud Stage with smuggled cloud pieces. Cloud Team hunts clouds, gives to cloud-in-charge, then to smuggler. Leader clears Storage and returns pcs to pcs smuggler. Lobby team clears Lobby. Leaver leaves. Smugglers smuggle. Re-enter. ---------------------------------- Chapter 10: Credits This guide is written in an effort to promote efficient SRPQ parties. My key sections are the bonus section, the recommended requirements and definitely, the "Etiquette" section, as these are critical for a fast SRPQ. Enjoy your SRPQ, and Happy Mapling! ^_^; Credits to: WIZET Asiasoft Hidden-Street Myself, FisHGaL28 a.k.a HammyGal28 of Aquila Server of MapleSEA You, the reader and any other corporation that posts up this guide. ---------------------------------- Chapter 11: Usage Rights and Side Notes 1. You may use this guide to learn about Super Rush Party Quest. 2. You may not edit this text document in part or in whole. 3. You may not claim to have written this article/guide. I have written this guide by myself. 4. You may publish this guide anywhere, so long as you have NOT edited the guide in part or in whole, and have given the respective credits as outlined in Chapter 10, including me. 5. You may distribute this text file, so long as you have NOT edited this text file in part or in whole. 6. You may edit the filename of this text file. 7. You may email me at: ivy469@live.com.sg for any errors you encountered (: 8. You may play MapleStory happily. :D Good luck with your training!